Xuite 隨意聽 app for iPhone and iPad
「Xuite 隨意聽」是「Hami+ 個人雲」雲端資料櫃用戶多螢應用的音樂播放服務, 您可以隨時透過手機軟體輕鬆取得您在雲端資料櫃儲存的音樂資料,並且編輯成播放清單及下載個人雲櫃音樂。也提供用戶免費聆聽「Xuite 影音」上公開的音樂檔案。還能收聽hichannel廣播。
歡迎大家免費註冊成為中華電信會員並開通Hami+ 個人雲 雲端資料櫃跟Xuite隨意窩服務,只要透過網路連線即可登入使用。
- 背景播放:提供背景播放,可一邊聽音樂一邊使用其他APP。
- 雲端資料櫃音樂:播放您存放於雲端資料櫃中的音樂檔案。
- 個人播放清單:將音樂檔案編成個人播放清單,並儲存在雲端。
- 線上試聽:免費聆聽「Xuite 影音」上公開的音樂檔案。
- 收聽hichannel廣播:可搜尋多個電台,並有定時功能。
- 線上音樂及雲櫃音樂需透過 4G / 3G / Wi-Fi 線路連線聆聽歌曲,無網路環境也可以離線播放已下載的雲櫃音樂。
- 無登入可搜尋線上音樂,雲櫃音樂需使用中華電信會員帳號登入系統並開通Hami+ 個人雲雲端資料櫃服務,非會員可點選註冊取得帳號
- 使用說明 http://blog.xuite.net/xuite.net/xuite/250028009
- Xuite著作權保護措施 http://blog.xuite.net/xuite.net/xuite/28897105
Latest reviews of Xuite 隨意聽 app for iPhone and iPad
Great radio app from Taiwan
Love it. Thank you.
Awful registration process
Email registration never good enough to work properly. Phone number limited to Taiwan number, not sure why. Fix it please.
Piece of junk!
Radio streaming not working on data network, even on LTE. Think about that: When do you listen music on your cellphones most of the time? On the move! Turning off data streaming just makes this app a piece of junk (and so are all the rest apps which depend on CHT service). Fix it please.
Not working with cellular data
It has a potential to be a good app. However, do not understand why make the radio stream works only under WIFI environment, not cellular data. This makes no logical sense whatsoever.
Good product
To me, this app works for my case. I stay home for most of the time. Using WIFI allow me to listen many songs and radios for free. I think we need to appreciate for the product make us convenient and provide some feedback for improvement.
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